The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation would like to invite you all to come and join us this Saturday April 6-2013 for a special event mounted by our team to be a part of activities being held to commemorate global Autism Month, here in Ja
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The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation would like to invite you all to come and join us this Saturday April 6-2013 for a special event mounted by our team to be a part of activities being held to commemorate global Autism Month, here in Ja
A 15-year old girl lay in a Canadian hospital bed with a tumor wrapped around her spine awaiting surgery, which at the time could not be performed in Trinidad. The surgeon entered her room and, as hospital procedure dictates, warned her of the possi
The Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), at the start of national Farmers Month April 2013, launched its newly developed strategy of increasing the data collection capacity of its extension officers, to serve farmers more efficiently and
tism Ladies and Gentlemen join me at 8:15 am this morning (live) Wednesday April 3-2013 on HOT 102's Jamaica Speaks - discussing Autism the Jamaican perspective
The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation's (MCADF’s) flagship event to promote Autism Awareness, held annually during global Autism Awareness month in April; its Autism and Disabilities Ambassadors Competition…has been enacted and the win
Krysta Anderson, Gleaner Writer
Maia Chung is a woman who wears many hats. She is a single mother of three, the current director of communications and public relations of the Rural Agricultural Dev
IN response to what is being described as an alarming spike in the number of children diagnosed with autism, the Ministry of Education, through the Education System Transformation Programme (ESTP), has embarked on a major thrust to improve the capac
US author Anne Doyle, left, with award recipient Brenda Gopeesingh, vice-president, Hindu Women's organisation and former government minister Joan Yuille Williams, at the Embassy of the United States Public Affairs Section International Women's Day T
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So God is the bomb diggetty fresh!
I love Him and always will.
People if you have an Autistic child or special needs child hold on to your faith do not despair! And never give up hope for that child!
Buy the Sunday Observer TODAY if you have not already
March 24-2013
The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation (MCADF) is gearing up for its observation of global Autism Month; commemorated globally each April…is starting just weeks before that month is set to begin - by augmenting the resources a
The World Bank has blessed The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation (MCADF) Autism Kiosk established by the Foundation in collaboration with the Jamaica Library Service and Courts Jamaica Limited; with a wonderful resource to augment what w
Do you want to see the shows of MCTV (Maia Chung TV) subscribe to the following stations, shortly we'll be partnering with a local free to air station very soon
MCTV airs on FLOW TV as at January 2013 and that channel has a viewership of 500-thousan
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US price 17.95
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so if you wanna know what the Maia's Journal entails take it from Lady D I hate being asked to explain I never know what to say but we dissected on the radio last night for the New York Atlanta audience - so now I'm feeling sorta embarrassed (blush)
Join me and CVM at Sunrise team tomorrow Thursday March 21-2013 as we discuss my book and the book tour to be mounted in the United States this year - that's CVM TV this Thursday March 21-2013 at 6:30 a.m.
Make it a date
Hi folks based on the events that led us to postponing the launch of my book Maia's Journal - that of the venue the Wyndham Kingston experiencing that massive fire, myself and the publishers; LMH Publishers have decided to do the launch during Autism