Water Whereforth Art Thou?

Water Whereforth Art Thou?
by Maia Chung
Water is the source oflife and it drives me crazy to think that after four decades haveelapsed, since independence no new dam construction has been planned orexecuted in this nation Jamaica.
Our population has grown sincethen... the up springing of communities across the island, thedesignation of a new city...that of Portmore and no administration hasthought it fitting to even plan for a new dam?
With attention andfinancing being channelled into this and that Inquiry...in my my memoryas a working journalist from West Kingston to present day, it strikesme as stupid... that an imperative such as the consistent supply ofwater to this nation has not taken on project form to see the mostfeasible way to ensure that for the most part we are left withoutwater... for any consistent time span.
Based on what is happeningthis March 2010, it comes across as if there to date has been noforesight exhibited to plan - in the land where rainfall is more thanless, for a better catchment system nor the best location to put a newdam.
In my humble opinion, be it ever so humble...a prioritisationof the water management system should include a deliberate mapping ofthe patterns of rainfall in the country, with a view to setting up morecatchment facilities at these points ...in order that we do not have toexperience severe drought conditions (to the extent that we currentlydo), if we don't have a hurricane.
The way it would appear is; thatif we do not have the excessive rainfall of a hurricane or consistentrainfall conditions, which carry their attendant damage to life andlimb and also soil erosion and floods no less - it seems that dog namwe supper.
I have lived in this country all my life and I have beenthe sad beneficiary of all these conditions, but realise that the realbenefit to be had is: that we for the large part don't have to worryabout water lack - at least in some if not most communities - if wehave abnormal weather conditions, as I have just described.
Gad zukes! Can a nation's planners lack vision in any more of an obvious area?
My arguments come from research done while working as a journalist withCVM, when as a member of a particular community constantly affected bywater lock offs, my interest became piqued in a personal fashion,because prior to this I had never had a water problem in any communityI had lived in before.
I came to find that this was a "commonassault" in many communities throughout the island and that thesub-title of the land of wood and water for Jamaica, was and is indeedand fact largely a misnomer. Maybe they can rename Jamaic to - " wouldtwere we had water "...lol.
I think to myself with the issue ofwater and global warming such priority topics on the world agenda.. howcome more of the millions of dollars spent each year by successiveadministrations in this country... why it never seems to occur toanyone to set up a water project as a priority developmentalmechanism... where the nation's top scientists say from our ownScientific Research Council (SRC) are set to probe the patterns ofrainfall -collect the data, with the agenda being to augment thecatchment facilities and inevitably find suitable construction for atleast two more dams, to service the water needs of the population.
Ithink that the nation's business such as garbage and waste management,water access, education should be top subjects of planning andstrategy, by any country that is seeking to move to developed statussuch as we are doing now.
What and where are our priorities. Thisyear in a press conference to deal with and address questions relatingto water and access of same... the water Minister confirmed that stillthere are no plans to construct a new dam, by the administration whichhe represents.
The statement was the same from the previous party I know because was the journalist posing the question both times.
Highschools are shutting their doors due to the absence of water, Membersof Parliament have to be spending their resources in the purchase ofwater for their constituents ...in some of these cases living withoutwater for three weeks at a time. Based on what you know personallyabout the services that water covers, how the heck can anyone livewithout water for three freaking weeks?!
There are nowgastroenteritis outbreaks that speak to the absence of water and thespread of disease associated with water scarcity since time immemorial,what gives?
Again I am citing press releases I have to handle over the past three weeks .
Amember of the Opposition sends out a statement cussing out thegovernment on the decreased standard of living associated with the lackof water now being experienced, a truth, but the heights of hypocrisyin my opinion be it ever so humble, since his administration came, sawand moved on without doing the management of the same problem, I thinkis necessary.
A problem which our tax dollars pay to have handled by these public servants.
Issuessuch as the extradition of dons, Trafigura, IMF are relevant butequally as relevant are the bread and butter issues of life, like heathand education, and the irony of this is that these are the issues thatseem to get the shaft, most of the time especially here in Jamrock.
Themalaise and increasing discontent that is creeping into every one'sbloodstream has to do with the terrible quality of life we are livingand the seeming lack of care that these issues are given, by those whomwe are paying to solve our problems as well as guide us towardssolutions (not to be confused with a quick fix).
You cannot have anation that you give access to pictures and ideas of the ultimatestandard of life in first world nations, via cable and then turn aroundand break their spirits with the terrible quality of life that theyhave access to. Not even bathing water? There must be some kind ofnegative outcome.
There is a direct correlation between the massivedepression that is occurring amongst members of the populace and theabsence of any management of the bread and butter issues that makes upa man or woman's life in this country.
How do I get ready for work without water?
Howdo I send my children to school without water? And what is their safetylevel when they get to the school without water? What happens at thejob when I have to skip in order that I may get my washing and othervital household chores done when the water is going to be in my homepipes?
Why are we being forced to choose between attending the joband washing our clothes? Is this a nation that is growing and trying toimprove efficiencies and maximisation of its work force? No its crap!
Farming,how is it done when we are having drought conditions throughout mostplaces? Hasn't history taught us that the country that controls itsfood controls itself and is less vulnerable to outside influence - seeCuba. Cuba has managed to maintain its ideological stance mainlybecause it (the nation) eats of its own soil.
Do you think if food were an issue there that the maintenance of Fidel's stance would be so groovy...I think not.
I long for a day when I have rulers that really care about me and myfamily and do justice by the vibrant populace that this place has beenblessed with ...yes I am the eternal optimist...water whereforth artthou?