The Buff Bay Community Hospital is to come in for urgent attention.
That is the directive from Health Minister the Dr. Fenton Ferguson.
He says that operations at the over 100 year old institution must be immediately reviewed by an ad hoc committee so that a suitable road-map of development can be charted.
“My fact-finding mission is to have a first-hand look at the facilities and the operations. The 36 members of staff here must be commended for doing good work under trying circumstances. I want this committee to start working right now, comprehensively look at what we have and chart the way forward”, he said.
Dr Ferguson said that subject to technical advice, he believes the derelict buildings at Buff Bay should be taken down so that planning can take place.
He says the special committee must also consider transforming Buff Bay Community Hospital into a Centre of Excellence so that exemplary care can be offered to thousands of persons who use the facility.
The Buff Bay Hospital was one of the hospitals downgraded to community community status in 1985 as part of a rationalization exercise. It serves a wide area
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