Travelling photo exhibit to highlight pollution in T&T

Masman Brian MacFarlane and international photographer Alex Smailes have lent their support to the first-ever travelling photo exhibition in the country. A release last Thursday stated that MacFarlane, the man behind last year’s opening ceremony of the Fifth Summit of the Americas, has endorsed the exhibition—The Environment is You—which promises to have a rather disturbing and dramatic effect on viewers as it catalogues the horrific pollution that has become the norm in Trinidad and Tobago. MacFarlane, who is currently in India showcasing two traditional Carnival characters at an international exhibition, says the aims of this photographic display are similar to his 2008 band Earth: Cries of Despair, Wings of Hope in its attempt to wake the people up to what is happening to our planet. “They must see the stark and grave reality of the environment that we live in,” he said. Smailes has worked as a photojournalist in Haiti, the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Middle East, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands, and now calls Trinidad home. His trademark searing images will be featured in the exhibition, which captures the damage done to our islands daily—the burning and clearing of hills for development; the careless disposal of cigarette butts that can cause fires during the dry season; rubbish strewn along highways, waterways, drains and beaches, and so on. Artist Elspeth Duncan has also contributed her Side Walk Series, which shows the effect of poorly maintained manholes on unsuspecting citizens, with often tragic and unfortunate results. The inspiration of Sandra Allum, director and lead tourism consultant for International Consultancy Limited, The Environment is You exhibition follows last year’s open day on San Fernando Hill where the focus was recycling, and the target group schoolchildren. “In essence, this year’s exhibition reflects the message that Nature is an enduring gift from God—treasure it! We hope to inspire our citizens and decision makers to make a serious attempt at preserving our environment,” explained Allum. The concept of the travelling exhibition is the first of its kind in the country. The 20 large (6ft by 6ft) posters will make their debut on the fence of Queen’s Royal College around the Queen’s Park Savannah, St Clair, on October 3, where they will remain to haunt motorists until October 9. They will then be moved from location to location, taking their message throughout T&T. Corporate support for the project comes from bptt (British Petroleum); recyclers Piranha International; Hilton Trinidad; Bella Treats; and, Green Cyclone Incorporated. Non-profit organisations, such as the R4 Initiative, Greenlight Network and Earth Strong Trinidad and Tobago have also pledged their support. The launch of the exhibition The Environment is You will take place on October 3 at the Savannah Terrace, Hilton Trinidad at 5 pm.