Well God is good on Thursday April 14 2010 I was a part of the team that participated in the world premiere for television for the music video for our Foundation's anthem Guide and Protect - I met the entertainer High a Ziya two years ago when the Foundation had just started expressing his interest to help our work he said, ow can I help...I said please write us a song "bigging up the disabled" joining forces with the songs writer - Mark Writer of Bounti and Pamputtae fame penned the song - walking the road to get the message out there Writer and John Biggs a major Jamaican producer said they would donate to the mission helping the word get out that disabled people are human beings so they donated to produce the video - I believe that God is the greatest thing ever because there is no reason why these busy and talented people would help us but they did and we love them for it enter stage left and there is Asha a local phenim in the video directing world and his lovely wife and family and they donated too and this video which I am very proud of and a first for the Jamaican nation a disabilities anthem that is out now for world wide consumption and influence - it represents the first time too that Autism in the form of my son and the swimmers you'll see in the video are portrayed in Jamaica so watch Guide and Protect and encourage your friends to learn and practise the lyrics ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO8NdpLF-6g this is a major manifestation that God loves us and that good is not lost