The Development Gap is a social enterprise with a mission to provide an affiliate task force for sustainable development in Jamaica through volunteer tourism.

Our mission will be achieved through the implementation of activities under the Manchester Local Sustainable Development Plan- 2030 and Beyond (MLSDP), which is aligned to the Government of Jamaica Vision 2030 Plan.

Outlined in these plans, Jamaican change-makers hope to achieve developed nation status by 2030 under sustainable and environmentally conscious conditions.

The Senior Home Economics Officer of the Rural Agricultural Development Authority RADA, her office and by extension, in collaboration with 3666653648?profile=original

RADA will be participating in the fair by displaying our products and services on the day of the event.

We are endorsing MoE/RADA’s “Eat What You Grow, Grow What You Eat” thrust.

RADA's Home Economics Office is to be the main coordinator of the cooking area.

This will see as the main highlight of the area a cooking competition during the fair using local produce to demonstrate.

Join us please in this wholesome and family as well as nationally beneficial activity.

Please contact
Michelle Blake
Senior SS/HE Officer,
Manchester Parish Office

or Maia Chung
RADA Corporate