The Rural Agricultural Development Authority in Jamaica mounted a successful Back Yard gardening project which was a highlight for attendees at last year's Denbigh.
The Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) is inviting the nation’s families and visitors to make this coming Independence weekend, a Denbigh Agricultural Show weekend; as the Agri-sector super show showcases and celebrates 50 years of the nation’s Independence as well as 60 years of the successful staging of the Denbigh Agricultural Show.
According to the Authority – while all the annual Denbigh Agricultural shows have been outstanding this year is a landmark year and should be the event of choice for the nation’s families, visitors and well-wishers.
The Denbigh Agricultural show remains the most successful staging of any Agricultural show in the nation and region to date.
This year’s theme for the event is: “Agriculture: Celebrating 50 Years… Harvesting Jamaica’s Wealth”.
This year’s show, as well as marking the nation’s Jubilee year of Independence will incorporate in all its displays, forums and exhibitions… the theme of the nation’s evolution of Agriculture over the sixty year history of the Denbigh Agricultural show.
This year’s activities will include many family fun filled and agriculturally themes events such as: an Egg Racing Competition, the Youth in Agriculture Competition, a Public Speaking Quiz, as well as Awards Presentations for: National Youth in Agriculture, the Farm Queen Coronation Show , the Garlanding of the Champion Farmer, the awarding of the Young Champion Farmer and the presentation of the National Farm Queen and also the presentation of trophies for outstanding farming practices in general Agriculture and Horticulture.
Persons coming into this year’s Denbigh village will be treated to chances to learn and win on the RADA conceptualized Agricultural Wheel of Fortune, which will allow thousands of attendees to win and learn about the simplest level of agricultural, practices to the most complex.
There will be a major attempt by the Authority to educate the public as much as possible via events over the three day period, such as an education forum, while the standard food demonstrations will occur.
A priority issue that has been identified is the need to further encourage participation in the development of the sector and in this vein there will be the presentation of Agri-Business Award.
The Authority has also planned its focus for all its exhibits around the technological advances in Agriculture starting from 1962.
So this too will form a focal point for patrons to as they are treated to the development over the years of the tools used to till the soil back from the earliest times into today.2011's Denbugh Agricultural Show in Jamaica was rich in displays as constructed by the staff of the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) this year will be even better.
Another area for RADA’s focus will be the recognition of persons who have contributed to the growth of the agricultural sector during the period between 1962 to date; this will include not just names that are widely known but also persons termed the unsung heroes and heroines of the sector.
A great focus will be placed on youth and women in Agriculture, especially as it relates to specific innovations that have been engineered by persons in those two demographics that have significantly enhanced the sector.
Those attending will see be treated to RADA’s focus on Livestock, Information and Communication Technology, Marketing, Investment opportunities, Fisheries as well as Crop Production and Protection.
These areas will be broken down into specifics such as: pest disease management, best crop varieties, land preparation, agri-practices, seedling varieties and how to work successfully with the right seedlings and proper soil conservation practices.
Last year's Denbigh Agricultural Show had a technology focus in the main, to enlighten attendees that Farming is no longer about the hoe and tractor only, but science and research and development to make Farming more effective.
RADA will be helping Jamaicans understand better the best practices as it relates to post harvesting, storage, and packaging their crops in order to attain higher compliance standards for global competitiveness.
Patrons will be able to learn more about RADA’s core function; its provision of extension service - as well as what new plans are in store for farmer training and some of the new developments that are now in place, as established by the Authority, for tool and equipment rental to increase the efficiencies of the nation’s farmers.
Denbigh happens in Clarendon at the Denbigh showground on August 4-5-6-2012.