Ladies and Gentlemen:
                                    In RADA's Communications and Public Relations thrust for 2013, to increase the visibility of the farmers that we serve; and the successes they have reaped though the Authority's support starts today Friday January 11- 2013.

In partnership with POWER 106 FM our RADA served farmers will be highlighted on that station's Farm Talk programme, to inspire more persons to enter the sector - as we showcase our successful farmers who have achieved their successes through our hardworking extension and technical staff support.

The first story we showcased today was Mr. George Brown, whose story aired today Friday January 11-2013 at 6:15 a.m. RADA served farmer Mr. Matthew Taylor will be on this Monday January 14 at 6:15 a.m.

All the interviews will be live via telephone and can also be heard on across the world.

This office will keep you abreast of our successful RADA served farmers as Communications and PR facilitates our success stories in collaboration with POWER 106 FM - to be showcased to the world.