In cooperation with the government of St Vincent, the Sanctuary maintains a captive breeding population of St Vincent Amazon parrots, one of the rarest parrots on earth with fewer than 600 living in the wild.
At stake is the health and welfare of the endangered and captive bird populations in the captive breeding facility, and the Marshland, Gully and Migratory Aviary Exhibits.
In cooperation with the government of St Vincent, the Sanctuary maintains a captive breeding population of St Vincent Amazon parrots, one of the rarest parrots on earth with fewer than 600 living in the wild.
“One of the St Vincent parrots was recently found dead after being assaulted by intruders, and one of the three surviving spoonbill chicks in the Marshland Aviary died after breaking its neck while evading the trespassers,” the statement said.
It noted that water quality is also a major concern for the captive breeding programmes, noting that ongoing pollution and inconsistent water quality supplied to the Sanctuary sometimes overwhelms water treatment facilities located on site.
“The uncertain environmental, security and other conditions in Barbados have caused severe stress in the remaining bird population. The problems pose a challenge for the bird-care and maintenance employees, as well as the security personnel who remain at the Sanctuary since it closed over one year ago,” the statement added.
The Sanctuary and the surrounding Graeme Hall area is recognized as an international wetland of critical importance and a RAMSAR site under the Convention on Wetlands treaty.
But owner of the Sanctuary, Peter Allard, recently made formal allegations that Barbados has illegally dumped tens of thousands of gallons of raw sewage into the wetland instead of using the approved emergency sewerage discharge structure at Worthing Beach, allegedly violating international environmental treaty conditions and Barbados' environmental protection laws.