1. All team member contributions are due on or before May 29, 2012. The contribution is $3000 (adults) and $1500 (children).

2. If you are sure that I do not have your telephone number, please send your number to me

3. We are currently working on the design for our t-shirts and banners. You will see the draft soon.

4. It is important that we sell Luminaria bags. (Luminaria bags are the bags that light the track at 10pm on relay night bearing the names of those who have survived cancer or those who have lost their battle with cancer)

5. A group of us did a commercial titled "I Care" in an attempt to further spread the message that finding the cure should be the responsibility of all. It can be viewed by clicking the link  http://www.facebook.com/groups/121167765044/   or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HErSQL-BMlA  We need your help to make it viral, so once you can share it please do so.