Farming encompasses many components to maximise success, and in recognition of that, the Agricultural Marketing Information Division (AMID) was formed.

The division was developed to provide national and international clients with a comprehensive statistical service through the timely collection, storage and dissemination of accurate agricultural data.

This is to assist the process of making farming less about guessing and more about strategising, using not just 'on farm proper practices' but information and statistics that have been proven over the years to be valuable in avoiding certain pitfalls and losses, that can hamper and lessen the nation's ability to be food secure.

The idea is that this data can further enhance the farmers' success, when coupled with the long-standing traditional land-only practices, associated with the sector.

AMID is made up of the following units:

The Information Systems Unit:

• This unit develops and maintains a precise system for data collecting, analysing and disseminating marketing information on the Jamaican agricultural sector.

• The unit also provides database design and management services for the AMID.

The Database Management Unit:

The Database Management Unit collaborates and initiates the development and maintenance of current listings and registries of agricultural stakeholders at all critical points on the production and marketing chain for all crops and livestock.

• The unit also develops and maintains relevant databases to ensure the delivery of a modern agricultural marketing information system that is capable of collecting and disseminating real-time price and availability information throughout production and marketing chains

• In addition, the Database Management Unit maintains other databases pertinent to the data collection, storage and dissemination needs of the AMID.

• The unit handles the editing and coding of questionnaires and other data capture mechanisms

• Included in the unit's portfolio is the design and management of GIS systems for data representation

• The unit also provides detailed reports on farming demographics, production and availability of agricultural products.

AMID's Website Management Unit:

• This unit provides and sustains web-based interface for the dissemination of marketing intelligence and technical information to the farming community and general public.

• This unit also liaises with the ministry, its divisions and agencies in the conversion of technical information and makes recommendations for that content to be turned into web-enabled interfaces.

• The Website Management Unit also assesses the training need of data collection staff, including RADA, in the effective use of web-based data collection systems.

AMID'S Analysis and Design Unit:

• The Analysis and Design Unit oversees survey design, execution and monitoring:

 • It designs and manages systems for the collection of agricultural data.

• The unit designs censuses.

• The Analysis and Design Unit develops and manages protocols for the reporting of data from the Ministry's agencies and other external bodies.

The Statistical Analysis Unit:

• This Unit is responsible for the design and implementation of systems for the forecast of agricultural production information on a timely basis.

• This entity also designs and implements systems for the summary, analysis, presentation and dissemination of agricultural data.

• The Statistical Analysis Unit also prepares reports and indicates the state of various aspects of the agricultural sector.

The Field Operations Unit:

• AMID's Field Operations Unit conducts field data collection for surveys and studies.

• That team also conducts the collection of prices and supply, data of key production, as well as market chain points.

• The Field Operations Unit also assists in the training of RADA and other ministry agencies in pertinent areas of data gathering.

Contact AMID by emailing

Information for the RADA Diaries is compiled and provided by the Rural Agricultural Development Authority Communication and Public Relations Department.