Pierre calls on constituents to hang in there!

It might just be us but does Kenny Anthony seem a little distracted? The Opposition leader is seated next to SLP Castries East Chairman Desmond Auguste (center) and Castries East MP Philip J Pierre. While Kiddies Carnival was in full swing and causing some traffic issues, people decked out in red shirts made their way past the Mindoo Phillip Park to the Marchand Combined School for the Castries East Annual Conference. Needless to say this was a Labour Party affair and the auditorium was packed with individuals of all ages, eager to hear their MP speak. The constituents came pouring in but before the actual start of the meeting, to get the mood just right, Labour Party songs came blaring over the PA system and a fan had to be brought in to cool the head table. The Castries East Constituency has been a stronghold of Philip J Pierre for the last few elections but is the tide about to change?

The Castries East Constituency has been a stronghold of Philip J Pierre for the last few elections but is the tide about to change? Among the speakers addressing the event was Dr Vaughan Lewis who went straight into criticizing the present government. “We have not seen so much disorder in a country. We have never seen so much disorder in a government. They are breaking this country’s economy and they are breaking their own backs fighting one another. No matter how many buildings you build on the market, things will get worse. No matter what they say they are going to build, they are not going to meet your needs.” He continued to say when Kenny Anthony is back in power, it will not be an easy time and encouraged constituents to have faith and hope that the party will do its best to get the country back on track. He encouraged the youth to stand up and take charge of themselves and their country because they are the future, they are the hope that St Lucia needs. Next up was Dr Robert Lewis, MP for Castries South, who delivered an address similar to the one he gave to the St Mary’s College graduants a few weeks earlier. He spoke of the nine C’s of leadership, among them communication, confidence, courage, conviction and charisma, which had Mr Pierre in stitches as Dr Lewis showed how Prime Minister Stephenson King is unfit in more ways than one, to lead the country much less a group of cub scouts (not an original line). “Our leaders have no idea what’s happening in our country far less the rest of the world!” said Lewis. He continued “the only time the Prime Minister addresses this country is when there is a controversy.” But the overriding message of the conference came from its representative in Parliament. Philip J Pierre urged his constituents to remain vigilant despite the resounding cries by the public for the removal of the King administration. “We must not be complacent. The opposition will use whatever means necessary to win the seat because we are desperately in need of the seat to depose Prime Minister King.” Pierre sent his regards to all the vendors who wanted to attend the meeting but couldn’t because they were busy trying to hustle for a dollar during Kiddies Carnival. He revealed that the party was in an advanced stage of selecting its candidates for the next elections and the crowd exuded enthusiasm as its representative promised to continue to be vigilant in his fight for the people, not only of Castries East, but the entire country. “The money being spent in the constituency is not from official circles and it is a ploy to try to unseat me,” claimed Pierre as he addressed Guy Mayer’s presence in Castries East and his activities such as building pathways and sidewalks. The Deputy Leader says he knows for a fact that this is the case because other constituencies who voted Labour are being neglected and punished for their decision. By: Alisha Ally