Personal Plea

Life is a very strange thing I have come to find and things that affect people in a particular fashion sometimes affects me differently. I love everyone that helps us because with you and you know who you are there would be no movement I am one cog in a large wheel, but I am again asking please please do not use my name falsely to promote things of which I am not aware - I have large network here and I know the word will be passed - I do not want any kind of confrontation I don't like it.
Please give me my respect and do not dishonour our work, and by doing this prevent us from doing right by those who are in need - as you are affecting real suffering people. Believe me my name is not magic so it doesn't make sense you use it unless we really are partners, I find that when you use it when its real it works - all these vagaries to try and stop something which has major implications - thanks for honouring my request all the love and you know who you are.