Dr. Kendal Stewart, the outgoing Chairman of the New York City Council’s Immigration Committee It’s a proposed pathway to legality that’s being eagerly embraced by those who hold the best interest of undocumented immigrants close to their hearts. And the “re-assuring” words from Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, who promised the 12 million illegal aliens living in the country a pathway to legal status, were like a breath of fresh air, music to the ears of immigration advocates and those who were forced to go underground to escape the wrath of federal authorities. “We welcome Homeland Security Janet Napolitano’s statement affirming the Obama Administration’s commitment to pursuing immigration reform,” said Chung-Wha Hung, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition. “We believe Secretary Napolitano understands that reform must treat immigrants fairly and take into account their important contribution to our communities and our economy. We are concerned, however, about the timing of reform and the administration’s embrace of Bush-era enforcement tactics.” Dr. Kendal Stewart, the outgoing Chairman of the New York City Council’s Immigration Committee, also considers the Administration’s intentions to be a move in the right direction. “Her statements didn’t come as a surprise because we were advised it was the direction in which the Administration is moving,” said Dr. Stewart, who is leaving the Council and its panel by the end of next month when his second four year term expires. “When we met with President Obama several weeks ago he indicated that a pathway to legal status and ultimately citizenship would be a corner stone of reform. That is the correct stance to take.” As the Homeland Security Secretary outlined it, the Administration’s plan for an overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws would be built on three pillars – “a tough and fair pathway to earned legal status;” stringent enforcement of the prohibition against the employment of undocumented immigrants; and a streamlined immigration system. “We will never have fully effective law enforcement or national security as long as so many millions remain in the shadows,” was the way she put it in an address to the Center for American Progress, a liberal policy group in Washington. Arguing for a significant change in approach to illegal immigration, Ms. Napolitano insisted that legalization of the undocumented would boost national security; protect Americans from unfair and low-wage competition in the workplace a time when Americans are concerned about their jobs; and would help boost the economy. The Secretary was confident that a legalization scheme would help kick start the economy as “those immigrants become full paying taxpayers.” But to change their status, the undocumented residents would be forced to register; pass a criminal background check; settle all back taxes and pay a fine for being in the country illegally. In addition, they must be able to speak English. The Immigration Coalition, which along with religious groups, community organizations and national and statewide institutions is in the forefront of the battle for reform isn’t happy with everything Napolitano said. “We cannot afford to delay immigration reform any further,” it said in a statement. “Unless there is meaningful legislative action on comprehensive reform this year, the president will have failed to live up to his campaign promise to tackle the issue in his first year in office. Kicking the can further down the road is not acceptable. Now is the time. “We continue to struggle to reconcile the administration’s repeated statements supporting comprehensive reform on the one hand, with its devastating escalation of immigration enforcement tactics on the other –tactics which that have resulted in more firings of immigrant workers, more deportations, and more fear and dislocation in immigrant communities than even under President Bush.” For their part Dr. Stewart and the City Council Immigration Committee want an aggressive reform package which would protect the rights of the undocumented and wouldn’t leave them at the mercy of federal authorities bent on getting them out of the country. “We want the administration and the Congress to address the issue of children of undocumented immigrants by providing them with clear legal status as offered under existing laws,” said Stewart, who was recently defeated in his bid for a third term at City Hall. He lost to Jumaane Williams, who traces the roots of his family tree to Grenada. Dr. Marco Mason, a highly vocal immigration advocate in Brooklyn, said that “at the end of the day, the bottom line is that the Obama Administration intends to push for legalization, providing a clear path to citizenship. “It would be unrealistic for anyone to believe the United States can deport 12 million people now living in the country out of status and decision to move in the direction outlined by the Secretary of Homeland Security is a welcomed step,” he said. “But much would depend on Congress and the White House’s ability to gather support in the House of Representatives and the Senate.” By: Tony Best