3666658382?profile=original3666658880?profile=original3666659082?profile=originalWell if you are a gift giver at this time of the year, please considering giving three times with one product, give the book Maia's Journal to someone you love that's the first give quality product that will become a regular re-readable staple, the second give is that the money from that goes to the charity The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation, so you giving to the Jamaican disabled and autistic, the third give is to the Jamaican publishing and writing sector. The book is at Sangsters, most corporate area pharmacies Kingston Jamaica, all the nation's airports (Jamaica) and online, very cheap too! https://www.lmhpublishing.com/non-fiction/maia’s-journal-jamaican-mother’s-journey-through-autism-and-other-issues