

Fact Sheet

Overview The Law Enforcement Torch Run® is the premier avenue for fundraising

and public awareness for Special Olympics. Special Olympics cater to

athletes who are intellectually challenged by giving them an opportunity to

participate in several sporting disciplines. Special Olympics bear the

motto "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt"

Each year almost 90 thousand dedicated law enforcement officers

participate in the torch run throughout 35 nations, 12 Canadian provinces

and 50 US states, raising in excess of $46 Million USD for local Special

Olympics programs and more than $461 Million since its inception in


In 1986 Jamaica became the First Nation outside of the United States to

adopt the Torch Run and to date has contributed an estimated $30 million

JD toward preparing and sending athletes to international games. These

funds were raised primarily through collection drives by police officers and

corporate sponsorship. The collection drives were done during an actual

run across the entire island by police officers bearing a lit torch which is

the symbol of LETR international

In 2011, for the first time other state security agencies and the Social

Development Commission were brought under the LETR banner. Through

the combined efforts of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the Jamaica

Defence Force, the Jamaica Fire Brigade, the Department of Correctional

Services and Customs, Special Olympics Jamaica received $2.5million

toward travel expenses to the world summer games in Korea.

This year, all partner agencies from 2011 as well as the Passport and

Immigration Citizens Agency (PICA) has joined in an effort to raise $4

million to offset expenses for our Special Olympians to attend the World

Summer Games in Los Angeles, California. Instead of a two week island

wide relay, there will be a 5k walk/run on Saturday April 26, 2014 in the

corporate area beginning and culminating at the Police Officers' Club, 34

Hope Road, Kingston 10.

Date Saturday, April 26, 2014 starting @ 6:00a.m.Warm-up exercises will start at


Route The 5K (3.1 miles) road race starts at the Police Officers Club playing field, right

on to Hope Road, left onto Half-way Tree Road, left onto Chelsea Ave,

right onto Dominica Drive, left onto Trafalgar Road, right onto Nelson

Way, left onto Ardenne Road, left onto Hope Road and right into Police

Officers Club.

• Roads leading to and from the Start/Finish areas will close

• Four water stations manned by experienced and enthusiastic volunteers

• Qualified medical personnel will be on hand for cases of emergency

• Adequate police security will be provided at race venue and along route

1. An entry fee of J$1000per adult and $500per child is required. Entries


2. Individuals and teams can register at Community Safety and Security

Branch, 1st

5, Police Officers Club, Hope Road, Kingston or call 1-876-754-0600

for information on other location island-wide.

3.Entry forms can also be downloaded at www.jcf.gov.jm or


4. Complete and sign the Entry Form above and submit along with cash

or cheque payment to any of the two locations (cheques should be

made payable to Law Enforcement Torch Run)

5. Registration closes, Sunday, April 20, 2014 or upon achieving

the event limit, whichever comes first. THERE IS NO RACE DAY


6. Race numbers can be collected between Tuesday, April 22 and Friday,

April 25, 2014 from 9:00 am to 4:30pm at the Police Officers Club, 34


Floor South Tower NCB Building, 2 Oxford Road, Kingston



Fact Sheet

7. Your race number and name of event you entered is to be pinned to

the front of your shirt. You must wear the number assigned to you.

Switching of race events is NOT allowed one the race registration is


Contact Info Tel: (876) 920 – 8903, 832-8194, 832-6993 or email: letr@jcf.gov.jm

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registration for the TORCH 5K run, set to raise funds for the Special Olympics athletes, can still happen up until the race starts, tomorrow Saturday April 26-2014, - if you are late try to get there by 6 a.m. - see forms for download on www.maiachungtv.com
