Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) would like to confirm that Dr. Carolyn Gomes has resigned from the position of Executive Director, with effect from 31st December 2013.
Dr. Gomes, a founding member of JFJ and its first Chairperson, has served as its Executive Director for eleven years.
Her commitment to the principles and work of the organization has been unstinting. She has fought tirelessly with others for the promotion and protection of Human Rights for all Jamaican citizens.
We are pleased that, despite stepping down as the Executive Director, Dr. Gomes has agreed to join the Board of Directors of the organization. JFJ wishes her all the best as she moves on to continue her work in defence of the marginalized in our society as she takes up her new role with The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition. Her dedication, leadership and courage continue to be an inspiration to us as an organization.
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