Hello Maia! If you look at my wall you'll see pics from around the world for a little boy named Solomon. I'm asking my friends to send pics holding a sign that says "4 Solo". It's raising a lot of awareness for autism because while young Solo can't speak he can read and his mother will show him the pics on his 4th birthday Feb 2nd! We do not have a picture from Jamaica yet and I know you're sooooo big on autism awareness!!! It would be an honour to have you represent your home country in our efforts to bring more global awareness to autism and bring a huge smile to this young boys face on his birthday!!! If you click my profile pic you'll get a closer view of Solo and all the information is on the picture as well!!!! I just got a few from Japan and I have more coming from Portugal, Africa, Kuwait, Italy, etc!!!! Solo and him mom, a single mother facing the challenges of autism alone, are from Alabama in the US. She is overwhelmed by the love and support we have been showing her and her amazing son! I thank you in advance for your time and efforts! If you can take the pic 4 Solo you can just add it to your fb wall and tag me in it and I will make sure Solomon gets it for his birthday! His mother has a page called Autism Supa Powerz to help raise awareness. Let's help Solo have the best birthday ever!!!!!! Respect!!
I got this request from Canada for a young Autistic boy who turns 4, he lives in the US - I ran in last nite and took this to join in with doing a small thing to help support a fellow Autistic family - sometimes helping is simple and fun, even though I was exhausted after work :)
Repost if you support those who are vulnerable in whatever way from the desk of Maia Chung