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    smile. Maia, on a real level I wanna truly thank you from the depths of my heart for everything. Your life is no easy one, yet somehow you manage to reach out and help so many. If all the persons/bodies that has offered to assist me had delivered on their promises I'd have well over what i needed for my challenge. Yet your promises transcended the actual words - thank you...
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  4. Jamaica Coalition for the Rights of the Child (JCRC) Member Organization Calls On the Nation’s Communities to Act to stem the vicious acts of violence against Jamaica’s Children

    September 27-2012

    The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation (MCADF) a member organization of the Jamaica Coalition for the Rights of the Child (JCRC) - is adding its voice to those condemning the disturbingly vic
    ious acts of criminality being perpetrated against some of the nation’s most vulnerable citizens; Jamaican children.

    Make criminals who target criminals untouchable, make them pariahs, drive them into the hands of the law - is the organization’s position.

    The MCADF in its role as a member of the child rights watchdog group JCRC, expressed its immense anger at the horrific paedophilic acts perpetrated against three female children in Irwin St. James this Monday, where the three ages 8, 14 and 16 were among five victims of rape - by perpetrators the MCADF has deemed “paedophiles whose sexual ineptness must have been the motive for their forced sexual attack against defenseless women and children”.

    Issuing its statement in its capacity as a part of the watchdog group for the rights of the nation’s children, the MCADF is calling on Jamaicans in every community to spurn these types of criminals who are predators of the worst kind.

    “This is Jamaica… we all know who the criminal elements and deviants in our communities are…let’s not pretend!” – says Maia Chung founder of the MCADF asserted.

    “Jamaica is a small country and if people in each of our communities were to band against these criminals and refuse to accept them within the community, this would go a far way in helping in a combined approach along with the efforts of the nation’s security forces to stop these demonic acts against defenseless children” – said Maia Chung, managing director of the MCADF.

    Chung added that “the MCADF as a member of the JCRC; whose role is that of a watchdog agency… to ensure that the Child Care and Protection Act is properly applied in Jamaica… believes that if communities were to ostracize these criminals who are generally known within their territories of operation …and find the courage to deny them refuge - the acts may decrease”.

    The organization said that while all criminality is abominable, the adults of the nation have a duty to exercise our might against the worst of the worst type of criminals – those who are predators of children.

    “They are not even men enough to go against their own gender or age” – Chung added.

    In addition the organization says that while Monday’s rapes can be cited as a kind of tipping point in the area of vicious acts against the nation’s children, the rising crescendo of crimes against children should not be allowed to continue.
    This should be a combined societal pledge.

    The MCADF said that with crimes against children growing, and becoming more of a major hallmark of the Jamaican crime scene, the nation’s citizens need to take a collective look at our OS or operation systems being used, as a mark that Jamaica is civilized. These ought to be revisited and re-written.

    The MCADF says it is equally as disturbed and disappointed by the incidents involving Zion Hill Trelawny Jamaica boys, 7 year old Alex Brown and 10 year old Javani Brown.

    Whether they died by foul play or accident – either case would see the adults of Jamaica’s communities failing whether by aiding and abetting the perpetrators (if you know who they are and abide them) or by neglect - as the two young boys were found dead in the Martha Brae river, why were these young kids out by themselves?

    According to Chung, “communities are a big part of the solution to this people hand them over”.

    Maia Chung and The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation are board members of the JCRC maiachungjcrc@gmail.com