RADA DIARIES - Backyard gardening tips (Part 2)
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Growing seedlings
Sow the seeds in a seed box or commercial seedling tray.
For a seed box, sandy, loamy soil, manure, coir (optional), straw, small stones and a box or similar container with drainage holes, at the bottom are needed.
1. Mix together one part sand, two parts clean, loamy soil, one part well-broken-down farmyard manure and one part coir dust.
2. Put small stones over holes in container and straw over stones so soil will not fall out.
3. Fill box with soil mixture or potting mix.
4. To kill pests and some disease organisms, pour boiling water over the soil to soak it properly. Most commercial potting mixtures are already sterilised.
5. After the soil has cooled and drained, level the seedbed and make rows eight centimetres (three inches) apart.
6. Sow seeds singly in rows and cover to a depth of 0.5-1 centimetre (1/4-1/2 inch).
7. Water lightly, cover with plastic to retain moisture, place box in a cool area and check daily for sprouting.
8. When the first two true leaves open fully, water with a fertiliser starter solution and at three-day intervals afterwards.
Transplant seedlings when they reach one to 15 centimetres (four to six inches) tall.
Information provided by the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA).