
June 29-2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Executives of the Woodlawn Management Board, Staff, Parents Members of the PTA, Boys and Girls …Graduates.


Good afternoon and congratulations on this most important step in the journey of becoming Special men and women…of Jamaica.

As you end one stage of your development and are poised for the next, with all the bright possibilities with which you have been armed by the Woodlawn School, I would like to speak to you today about the fact that achievement is derived through Hard Work and Discipline; and I will ask you the graduates and the parents of these wonderful human beings, to remember this and always keep climbing!

This most important step of graduating from one level of the education system… to move on to the next, is a part of your God given right, to make yourselves the equal of any Jamaican, who has ever been born and bears that title honorably.

But even as you remember that achievement is about Hard Work and Discipline – I ask you to remember that the reason we know this is because it has been proven in the history of all societies that those who achieve in the positive - have displayed HARD WORK and DISCIPLINE!

And even as you seek to achieve great things using the Hard Work and the Discipline that brought you to this great day, you must also consider what kind of history – you want to leave in this nation even - as you exercise Discipline and carry out Hard Work to achieve your objectives.


I think positive results will accrue if we think about what legacy we want to leave behind. It’s the same thing as saying what kind of History do I want to leave?

If you combine this goal, with diligence and self control – a formula for success is almost guaranteed, as it is one that I myself employ. And it has worked for me.

When I speak of the History, you want to leave behind you must remember that History is not just a subject in school.

It is what you are doing here right now today, graduating from this August institution, even as you sit right there holding those well earned diplomas in your hand; you are in the process of writing your destinies in a positive fashion. It’s already positive because you as challenged children have met the tasks set to you to help yourselves improve; you have met them and this is your reward: graduating.

Ergo… you are now making History - and not just ordinary History but that of the positive kind, the kind the world needs and the kind that we God’s people were put here to make.

Just by participating in this afternoon's ceremony, you graduates have already been recorded in the annals of this fine institution.

The Woodlawn School of Special Education’s administration is setting down your achievements; and so just by committing to come this far; you are now a part of Woodlawn’s History.

Let's define what the word History means, if you look it up in the Oxford Dictionary there are four meanings assigned:


  • the study of past events
  • the past considered as a whole
  • the past events connected with someone or something
  • or a continuous record of past events or trends



These definitions can sound very esoteric, abstract and actually very sanitized – and faraway from the actuality of the real messy, complex, often Hodge Podge, situation; that a life can be.

But as I am here to help you to see things differently, I want you to understand that in every history book, that you ever read, the people in it like you were just living their everyday lives.

They became History or a part of History, because they chose courses of action and followed ideology that meant something to them and thus became the people we study today.

This is even as they strove for happiness and joy and balance in their daily lives. This is even as they used Hard Work and Discipline to attain their achievements.

If every man or woman were to make their choices on the idea that he or she wanted to impact history positively, the world would be a different place. And I proffer: a better place.

I am therefore here to implore you to, if you haven't started yet, to consider this shining moment in all your lives as the beginning of you writing your lives, as a positive piece of history.

And remember History making is not some grandiose concept; that applies to the Napoleonic wars, the Huns or the war in Vietnam.

It applies to each and every life that takes hold on this planet, because we are all valid.

Collectively you must start to accept and embrace that we who are here, are the history in the making, even if we choose not to impact positively or even negatively.

Just by being, you are a part of the world’s record, so why not make it in God’s sight a positive history, working hard every day and being a disciplined Jamaican – changing the course of rampant indiscipline, laziness and lack of achievement that characterizes our society today!





In recent times I have seen, that there is an urgent need for the young people of this nation to gather within themselves a conscious awareness of; the fact that the things in which they are engaged in have an impact.

And what you choose to make your record, impacts not just you but your fellow men, your children and for many of you sitting here the wider world.

So recognize, that even if your role here and the History you make, does not go global, it inevitably impacts someone.

And the core of what separates a good human being from a bad one, means that this must matter to all of you sitting here today!

For want of a nail a kingdom was lost. Life can actually be that simple. For want of a proper focus and direction, a life can be lost and or an ugly History made.

For want of some Hard Work and Discipline - no positive achievements will be gained!

You must aim to have your parents, descendants, peers having a record of your time here as a legacy in positivity or ...a worthwhile History.

Creating this kind of legacy has the power to inspire those who follow you to also be a powerhouse of right acts, which logically fights the darkness in all areas of life now overtaking the world.

If a man or a woman before taking a decision, looks at it in the fashion of; what kind of impact am I creating in my personal record book?

Or what kind of History am I making?


I believe that there would be less folly and more satisfaction; and I believe wiser more worthwhile choices for mankind over all.

This is especially if persons adhere to an ethical and moral avenue of life, I personally have found more happiness trying to be morally correct than otherwise.

With this in mind - I encourage you all to vigorously make your time here on earth, one that will make you proud - even as you are living your daily lives. Make yourselves Historical!

Looking at you all, as you hold you diplomas …you have achieved so much at Woodlawn and are now graduating, and you are now getting ready to face the rest of the world, I am certain that the families here with you today are already talking about and celebrating the History that each and everyone of you are making in your respective families. Passing through extensive physical and mental challenges and trending up.

But have you asked yourself the vital question?

What kind of History do I want to write for myself?

You should be asking this right now.

You should all before any undertaking anything from this day onwards, personally assess it and think how will this affect the type of legacy you would want my children and their children to have of you.

And don't be fooled; a legacy is not only wealth or assets; it is a course of behaviors and outcomes as well.

Look at Jamaican national heroes Paul Bogle and Nanny of the Maroons, in writing their personal Histories, they left generations of Jamaicans with a History of outcomes that have rendered us a free people.

Free to be standing and sitting here right now, earning education and training forbidden during their life times. Especially for the disabled.


There are too many persons today who only think of the now and seemingly believe that there are no consequences for their actions, if you check your history books you will see that for  the most part history makers, who impact in a positive way did not operate on this premise.

Positive History makers tend to be leaders, people who are seeking to move beyond the common awareness, who want difference for this world that they inhabit.

And again... the world you inhabit may be as large as the globe and as small as your community or household. But do not let that deter you make it count!

You young History makers in Jamaica should now at a time, when moral and social decay are rife, strive to break bonds, rip apart disreputable conventions, seek to change the world and make a better History; for yourselves and for your children and for the challenged in Jamaica.

Take the example of Albert Einstein, in the biography on his life by author Walter Isaacson it states "Einstein's non-conformist streak was evident in his personality ...although he subscribed to socialist ideals, he was too much of an individualist to be comfortable with excessive states of control...his impudent instincts, which served him so well (alienated) him from anything that smacked of herd mentality".

Allegedly displaying Autistic traits, I read the authors assessments to indicate Einstein was not interested in being run of the mill.

It is a fact that if you commit your life to maintaining the status quo; making History may never be what you are known for, in any sphere.

And again I re-emphasize we are dealing with positive processes.

For every historical head that rose above the crowd, there are hundreds of thousands who never rose above... and were just lost as just another empty life; that came and saw and never conquered!




In the words of Helen Keller - "limitations of all kinds are forms of chastening to encourage self development and true freedom".

Many of you may think: "but my life has to many obstacles for me to make History!"

You are SPECIAL and great and will make it because you are Disciplined enough to work hard to get through.

You looking at your lives as history in the making, in my eyes means; that you should live a life of which you can be proud at all times.

Lives which should see you holding your heads up no matter what. You have and are, consistently on a daily basis making a positive legacy, today is a part of that legacy.

And the creation of that positive History that will be your life, does not mean, if it will not be placed in the world history books it does not count.

The logic of the equation is simply this, if you do not make the world history books, if you live a positively historical life privately, you will change the world around you just by your actions.

The image I want you to picture right at this moment is this - "beating your chests like Usain Bolt when he wins, fists pumping the sky. Laying stake to the claim: he is History in the making” 

Usain Bolt is one of our most impactful legacies of History made through Hard Work and Discipline – you all can do this in your own special way.

In fact crafting your personal life story with a view to a positive History, gives you credibility in whatever you do.

Credibility and respect are the arbiters of success in any area and if you do not consciously take the reins of your life in your hands, starting with how you want to be represented - you will swiftly lose the race.


The power to create a great quality of life is within us, in our ability to develop and use our inner compass, so that we act with integrity and consciousness - in the moment of choice.

If more Jamaicans were willing to do well for God and family, because they are conscious of how they want to manifest -you would have a ripple effect and this nation would be stronger and better.

But it all begins with the moment you determine what type of legacy or History you the individual would want to be remembered for.

Jim Ryun American sportsman says – “motivation is what gets you started and habit is what keeps you going”.

I want to motivate you graduates today, to decide to set the habit of creating your lives as a positive History.

Many young people are impatient and believe that the choices they make, should yield the quickest result, this you must all know is not always the best result.

Again History has proven, in times too innumerable to highlight here, that the things best rewarding are not always the things that come the most quickly.

Mark these words, there is no cloud too dark for God's light to penetrate if you keep on believing and have faith enough to wait.

Once the decision is made that I will be living a life of right purpose to leave behind a positive legacy - you will be faced with many issues, ethical dilemmas and hurdles that may have you sway from this upright path.

But in my own experience I can reassure that if you stand true to the right, your life's testimony will be one that will be comparable to any of those of the world's greatest men and women who made the world better today.

And a number of you sitting here may be among those who rise to the very global level, as a history maker. But you have to start trying now.


This afternoon I am in fact speaking to you from the vantage point that is very personal.

All my achievements were and are derived through Hard Work and Discipline, I will keep climbing and you must too!