Every Mickle Makes a Muckle Donation Form


The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation needs your help urgently or our work will not be able to continue.

The recession has seen our donors retracting promises for donations to help the affected, as such we have had to scale back the aid we dispense - please help us.

Our work needs your financial assistance.

With your commitment we can assist clients with Autism and other disabilities get: diagnostic reports necessary to proceed to get help academically and therapeutically, buy food, pay for transport to appointments, get uniforms for school, pay for school fees, pay for counselling for parents that are severely mentally affected by the stresses they undergo, pay for therapies - as well as a whole hosts of other needs that are pressing the Autism and Disabilities Communities - in the areas of increased awareness, health, academics and social support.

Please help The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation help the nation's Autists and Disabled by committing a monthly amount of:

---100 (J$) dollars ---- 300 (J$) dollars --- 500 (J$) or more---------

Overseas Donors can give the equivalent in United States Dollars, Pound Sterling or Canadian Currency.

Please indicate I will give a monthly contribution of ----------US Dollars ----------Pound Sterling or -------------Canadian Currency.

I ----------will become a partner with The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation through a weekly or monthly salary deduction to be done via standing order.

My contribution will paid directly by salary deduction to the account titled -The Maia Chung Autism and Disabilities Foundation Account at the Washington Boulevard Branch of the National Commercial Bank (NCB) Kingston Jamaica in the West Indies.

Our account numbers are: 1-3-4-0-8-5-5-0-9 or 1-3-1-0-1-9-5-2-1

This commitment will start on the -----------------day of ------------------ in the year----------- and continue until ------------------------- (please indicate an end date or specify until cancelled.

Please print and submit this form to your accounts department and indicate by ticking what you can afford as a weekly or monthly contribution towards helping needy Jamaicans.

This involvement makes you a partner of the Foundation and as such entitles you to query and receive reports on how your money is being allocated to the needy.

Remember it doesn't take much to make a difference in your world, every mickle makes a muckle you might be surprised how much you can change a life through a small sacrifice.

Thank You

Maia Chung
Managing Director