CPNet Consultants





CPNet is a Business to Business (B2B) consultancy. CPNet markets news stories, sporting events, cultural programming and entertainment content, in English, to Spanish speaking stations in Latin America and the Caribbean, and provides a line ar and non-linear Chanel content service for said stations. We are ready to revolutionize television content programming. Selecting only the best, we gather an impressive selection of "timeless" programmes produced throughout the English speaking Caribbean and Latin America. 

Market research shows that nearly every day, TV stations need "filler" content, either local, regional or international, to complete their schedules. Many subscribe to costly services, with little choice for story selection. The clients we represent will provide such stations with quality media, which they can use at any time, on any day, for any cast. 

CPNet is meeting three needs. 

First, those stations anxious to get professional experience and a comprehensive TV programme mix , can realize their goal through broadcasting the content we source. 

Secondly, we satisfy the needs of small market TV stations which cannot afford to budget tens of thousands of dollars for content programming. 
The content we source is provided by means of a 24/7 streaming. The network may require a decoder to receive a satelite signal dependent on the content provider supplying the feed. 

Lastly, we provide a distribution platform for Regional Indi Film makers to publish their work and realize revenue. 

FilmStream TV

FilmStream is the filming and production unit of CPNet. All footage is captured and edited by this aspect of the consultancy. 
Motion graphics and animation are part of the services we provide. 
The unit covers sporting and cultural events, but also undertakes specialized videos and promotional material. 

All footage is taken in 1080 HD MP4 16.9 format using professional video and DSLR cameras, action cameras and aerial photography platforms. 

To the best of our knowledge, we are the first of few to attempt a multi channel IPTV transmission in our region. The initial package includes entertainment, sports, social and news content. 
FilmStream is also responsible for the operation of a channel dedicated to the streaming of local and our own content within the Multi Channel solution. 
FilmStream can therefore be defined as an IPTV network hosted on the PileCom platform. 

More info at 
Website: www.pilecom.net

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZRsIhX9TBO6Qjvz-Tnb_gw