Maia Chung Television defends Jamaican Food Security, Farmers be warned!
KINGSTON: This serves as an advisory for scallion and onion farmers in South St.Elizabeth and Manchester from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MoAF) and the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA).
Based on data collected by scallion farmers across the area the population of beet army worm has been very low.
This may be as a result of cool temperatures which do not favour the development of beet army worm populations.
However, these conditions favour the presence of natural enemies such as wasps, which help to keep the infestations low.
In addition, work being done by MOAF, RADA and farmers has had a positive impact, as many farmers have improved their Beet army worm management programmes.
As we approach the warmer months, when the temperatures will gradually increase,the following measures are being recommended
Do not plant onion crop beyond the traditional planting season, which ends January 2014, to ensure the crop is harvested before the end of April, when the Beet armyworm population tends to increase due to the seasonal increase in day and night temperatures.
Historical data indicates that major Beet armyworm outbreaks occurred during May/June period and had been triggered by the rains following (prolonged) drought.
Please contact RADA to identify markets to ensure that mature onion and scallion crops are harvested and sold at maturity and not left in the field due to low prices or other marketing issues.
Poorly managed or abandoned plants encourage the build-up of beet armyworm populations.
Contact the RADA Marketing Officers if you are experiencing challenges with marketing scallion
RADA head office number: 1 876 977 1158
For videos that detail various farming techniques to enhancement your out go to You Tube and type in RADA TV
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